Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gobble Gobble

I am sooooo excited!!! Thanksgiving is only a week away. I am making my list....yes....I am a list maker. I will put down every little thing I need to do to get ready for the family to get here. I also list my 'to do's' by day. I will plan what day I will do what. Why do I make these lists? So that I can become frustrated when they don't work out like I planned! : ) But the great thing about these lists this year....I don't only have my cooking and cleaning and decorating to do....I am planning some fun things to do with my Grandmother! We will see what all she is game for, but I have lots of possible ideas. When I asked her if she would come stay with me for a week, I wasn't sure she would say yes. I am so happy that she did. Gybabe has always been so special - not only to me - but to my brother and sisters and all of our cousins. I am so looking forward to the time we will spend together. When I am home, I always feel so rushed - trying to see everyone and trying to give everyone the same amount of attention. I just want to visit without the rush. So, the countdown begins....I can't wait!!!!


Laura said...

you're the greatest little Thanksgiving hostess! Take a breath - everything will be wonderful as usual!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read all about how the week with the family!! Happy Thanksgiving! Love you bunches.