Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our President-Elect

A few things I'm thankful for, regardless of the outcome of our election:
*We live in a democracy where we have the right to a vote and a voice. We have the God-given responsibility to use both wisely
*We are blessed with individuals that willingly serve our country. They are living in terrible conditions and fighting for all of us so that we may live comfortably and sleep more soundly, knowing that they are protecting us.
*God "works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will" and "according to the plan." Ephesians 1:11
*Not only does God work out everything in conformity with His will, He has promised to work out everything for the GOOD of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
*God sets up kings and deposes them and gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Daniel 2:21

I pray for our president-elect. I pray that God will guide him and that he will accept the knowledge that is provided to him by the grace of God. I pray for our nation and that we will stand together. 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.' (Matthew 12:25) A united house stands. A divided house falls. The devil has much to gain. But he also has much to lose.

I copied most of this from Beth Moore's thanks to her for writing in a way that I wish I could! : )


Laura said...

wow! good blog... thanks for helping me think postive thoughts about something that I'm not feeling very postive about. Guess it's just another lesson for me to learn how to trust God's plan when I don't particularly like the way it's unfolding sometimes! :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto on what Laura said.