Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Temporal Insomnia and Insantiy

This week has been one of the nuttiest ever. I frequently see and treat crazy people - as I am employed in the medical field. And I use the term "crazy" lovingly. We live in a society in which I think EVERYONE is crazy. There are just different levels of crazy as far as I'm concerned. For example, I evaluated a patient yesterday that came in, proceeded to pull out a roll of paper towels, and line the carpet, the treatment table, and the chair in the evaluation area where we would be working. I was waiting for her to start rolling the paper towels around me - mummy style. Thank goodness, she stopped short of that. (Laura, I hope she is using the cheap paper towels) The evaluation itself is beyond being able to describe in a blog. And then, after the evaluation was completed, she stayed around. After I made it very clear that we were done for the day, she kept interrupting and continuing to ask random questions as I was treating my next patient. That poor patient finally had to ask the lady to stop interrupting her treatment time. I would consider this behavior to be ranked on the higher end of the crazy scale. This is just one example of my patients this week. So, overall, I would say that my patients this week have been nuttier than usual (and it's only Wednesday). I have woken up in the night the past 2 nights at the same time (2 different times - once at 2 am and once at 3:30 am each night). This rarely, if ever, happens to me - and I know I am lucky based on discussions with my many friends with small children. And then while I was out feeding the dogs in the back yard last night, I spotted this.....My mind tells me not to believe in folklore, but it started me thinking. I typed "full moon" into google and wikipedia says "Full Moons are traditionally associated with temporal insomnia, insanity (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) and various "magical phenomena" such as lycanthropy. Psychologists, however, have found that there is no strong evidence for effects on human behavior around the time of a full moon."

Now, I understand research. Heck, I DO research. But I may beg to differ with these studies based on my week. : ) Happy Full Moon today!


Laura said...

I don't care what the research says... ask any cop, fireman, or emergency room worker & they'll swear that the crazies come out of the woodwork during a full moon! I, on the other hand, am full-time crazy 30 days of the month. However, I did have one of my even more weird than usual dreams last night, so maybe I am affected. ??? (paper towels make me laugh now) :)

Anonymous said...

I'll add to Laura's comment and say that any teacher will tell you the kids turn into real looney tunes when there is a full moon. For example, I had a kid running down the hall pantless this week...never a dull moment in first grade, especially when there is a full moon!