Saturday, January 17, 2009

Deal or Dud, Part II

Pedi Paws may just be a success. I finally made it a priority and actually stopped at the Dollar Store to buy some C batteries. As I loaded the batteries and reviewed the directions, I had thoughts of dogs scrambling as soon as I turned on the thing...ducking under beds and behind chairs....but it actually went OK. They didn't mind the noise - it's not that loud - and they just sniffed around to see if it was food. (I swear they act like I feed them one morsel of food once a month.) Both Maddie and Hudson HATE to have their nails trimmed with the old clippers. They will lay there, but try to get up after each nail and it becomes this huge battle to get all four paws done. Some times I end up laying over them or on the floor with them on the couch so that I can look up under the paw to see where the quick is on their nails. It becomes a HUGE ordeal. I decided to attempt using it on Hudson first, figuring that Maddie would be a piece of cake. Hudson tends to be the skittish one and jumps at every little noise. The directions go into this long detailed explanation of actually laying on top of your dog if they won't sit still. I was fully prepared to have to do this. But for grins, I thought I would just try it sitting there at first. So, I told him to sit....and he did. I sat down on the floor next to him. Turned on the pedi paws. Grabbed one of his front paws. Put his nail in the little keyhole on the pedi paws and watched it file away. Hudson just looked at didn't phase him a bit. I was able to do all four paws and all of his nails without any problem. He didn't even try to pull his leg away. I couldn't believe it! Maddie was actually a little different story. She didn't like it so much....I had to spend a little more time making her sit there with me - but no more than actually clipping the nails. She just kept pulling her leg away from me. It takes a little while to get all of the nails done, but at least when I was done I wasn't exhausted from battling with 80 lb dogs to keep them still like I have to do with the clippers. I also wonder how long the little file works. Apparently you can order replacement files.....guess I will have to wait and see how many uses you get out of one. The only really bad thing about it was the smell.....It smelled like something was burning....I guess just from the friction. So, overall.....pedi paws is a DEAL!
Still haven't had a reason to try the bra strap thingys...sorry Katy...I know you are waiting on that one! Stay tuned....I will try it out and will have a review soon to come!


Anonymous said...

My aunt and uncle love the Pedi-Paw. Tney use it on their boxer all the time. The burning smell comment made me think it must be the same smell as when a horseshoer is filing down a horse's hooves. I bet it is a similar smell. Love you, girl!

Enjoying the journey... said...

glad it works. Do you think it would work on kids.....just kidding! I will be checking back on the other review. :)